Meet the Pink Finss Team

  • Jodie Amor

    Jodie Amor - Founder

    Jodie is the founder of Pink Finss and the reason this whole charity began!  After Jodie’s own cancer journey it was a passion of Jodie’s to establish a support network for people of the Hawkesbury diagnosed with cancer and Jodie has been the leader in bringing that dream to fruition.  Jodie has her own business as a sales rep and is highly respected in her industry having worked for over 25 years for the same organisation building strong relationships with her peers and clients.  Jodie continues to volunteer her time to the Pink Finss juggling her work, family and Charity demands seamlessly.  What our ladies love about Jodie is her positive outlook on things, and her nurturing care and understanding of the situations they are facing.  Having somebody like Jodie who has travelled the same road as our ladies gives them reassurance and peace of mind and they feel like they are not alone.  Jodie is passionate about the Pink Finss being available to help as many people as possible and inspires us on a daily basis to push ourselves to be the best we can be.

  • Kym Watson

    Kym Watson - General Manager

    Kym is a founding member of the Pink Finss orchestrating the initial set up of the Pink Finss Charity alongside Jodie.  With over 25 years experience working in professional services firms Kym’s skills are in business administration, executive support at Board and Management level, corporate governance, quality control and human resources.  As best friends for more than 30 years Kym was by Jodie’s side during her cancer journey and Kym brought a practical and proactive approach by organising fundraising events to raise awareness of breast cancer particularly in younger women.   After 9 years of volunteering for the Pink Finss, Kym was employed by Pink Finss and has played a pivotal role in setting up the foundations that has enabled the Charity to get to where it is today.  Kym has established strong relationships with sponsors, and suppliers over the years who continue to support the Charity and Kym is always looking for ways to improve the Charity’s service offering.  Kym’s main role is also managing the network of clients we help, in a supportive and empathetic way, and the services they receive to ensure their experience with Pink Finss is a positive one.

  • Emma-Jane Garrow

    Emma-Jane Garrow - Events & Social Coordinator

    Emma has been involved with Pink Finss for more than 5 years and has played an integral role in coordinating the Pink Finss events.  Emma has a very strong connection to the Hawkesbury community having lived in the Hawkesbury her whole life and understands the landscape of the community better than anyone.  Emma is also the Pink Finss social coordinator and this involves organising our support group meetings and activities for our ladies and plus regular social activities like paint and sip and book club.  Emma is beloved by all of our Pink Finss ladies and brings an energy and enthusiasm to the group.